3131 Meetinghouse Rd.
Boothwyn, PA 19061
Tinesha Bailey, Property Manager
Joel Iancale, Assistant Property Manager
Toys for Tots
We will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots in the Leasing Office until December 11, 2015. Thank you for your generosity this holiday season.
Gutter Cleaning
Please be advised that we will cleaning your gutters throughout the month. Don’t be alarmed if you hear noise coming from the roof.
Reserved Parking
Looking for a shorter walk from your car to your apartment during the winter season? We offer a limited number of reserved parking spaces for $30.00 per month. Contact the Leasing Office to reserve your space today.
Essential Holiday Events Including Cut Your Own Tree
Looking for things to do to get you in the holiday spirit? Here is a list of 50 holiday events in Philadelphia. There’s something for everyone.
Shopping for a tree? Why not cut your own? At Linvilla Orchards, your whole family can enjoy a hayride and select and cut down the tree of your choice for $59.95 plus tax. For hours, directions and a complete list of activities, visit the Linvilla Orchard website.
What are your Philly holiday event favorites? Share your insights on our Facebook page.
Avoiding Frozen Pipes
Frozen pipes can disrupt water service to your apartments. Please keep your heat above 60 degrees so your pipes won’t freeze.
New Year’s Eve’s Breakfast
You are Cordially Invited to Our
Annual New Year’s Eve Breakfast
Please Join Us
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
in the Leasing Office
From 9 AM
RSVP by December 15, 2015