3131 Meetinghouse Rd.
Boothwyn, PA 19061
Tinesha Bailey, Property Manager
Joel Iancale, Assistant Property Manager
Security Changes
As a reminder we have stopped the security patrol at the property. However we always have a staff maintenance person on-call 24/7 in case of a maintenance emergency, and the excellent Upper Chichester Police Department and Boothwyn Fire Company are just a phone call away.
Meetinghouse On-Call Maintenance: (610) 359-3621
Fire, Medical, Police Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency, Upper Chichester Police: (610) 485-8400
Non-Emergency, Boothwyn Fire House: (610) 485-0269
Renter’s Insurance
Please make sure that Meetinghouse Apartments and Townhouses is listed as interested or 3rd party on all renters insurance policies. Follow-up emails are sent 30 days before your current expiration date from a company called Epremium. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
Dumpster Reminder
Please keep in mind that the dumpsters at Meetinghouse are not for bulk items, such as furniture, bicycles, mattresses, etc. A $500 fine will be assessed on your account for disposing these types of items in or around a dumpster. Here’s a list of charities and companies that will be glad to pick up items, some at no charge:
Purple Heart. Free pick ups available. Call (800) 338-1448 or visit their website purpleheartpickup.org
Vietnam Veterans of America. Free pick up available. Call (800) 775-VETS or visit their website http://www.scheduleapickup.com/
Impact Thrift Stores. Drop off and pick up service available. Call (215) 957-6131 or visit their website http://impactthrift.org/donate
Goodwill Donation Drop off items. Call (610) 494-8412 or visit their website http://www.goodwill.org/locator/
Rent Payments
As always, rent is due on the 1st of every month. If the office is closed, please leave your check or money order in the mail slot on the front door. Please make sure your name and unit number on both the check and envelope.