3131 Meetinghouse Rd.
Boothwyn, PA 19061
Tinesha Bailey, Property Manager
Joel Iancale, Assistant Property Manager
The Easter Bunny is Coming
Please stop by the playground and visit the Easter Bunny on Saturday April 15, 2017!
Bring a basket. He just may have some treats for you!
Renter’s Insurance
This is a reminder that your renters insurance policy must include Meetinghouse Apartments as a “3rd party” or “interested party,” and must be updated annually as stated in your lease. If you have any questions please contact Maria in the Leasing Office. Thank you!
Electronics Disposal
Meetinghouse’s Trash Valet is great for trash and recycling, but please do NOT put electronics in the bin. If the device you are throwing out has a plug or uses a battery, it must be disposed of or recycled properly. Hold onto your electronics and please contact the Leasing Office for more information. See the flyer below for what you CAN put in the recycling bin!
Community Garden
Have you reserved your plot in this year’s Community Garden? Currently, there are plenty of plots left, but they fill up quickly, so reserve today! The plots cost one fresh salad each (just kidding, they are free of charge!). They are on a first-come, first-serve basis, so stop by or call the Leasing Office soon to reserve your spot for the year.