3131 Meetinghouse Rd.
Boothwyn, PA 19061
Tinesha Bailey, Property Manager
Joel Iancale, Assistant Property Manager
Show Some Love to the Troops
The leasing office will be holding a collection for our Troops overseas during the month of February. We will be collecting toiletries, snack food, powdered drink mix singles, clothing (e.g. white socks, brown or green t-shirt) and fun materials such as puzzle books, DVDs, disposable cameras, etc. Letters and greeting cards are highly encouraged as well. Bring in a donation and you’ll receive will receive a bag of sweets (candy) for being so sweet.
For a complete list of what our Troops need, please contact the office.
Thanks for Your Patience, and to Our Maintenance Team
We enjoyed great weather during the holidays, but winter hit us with full force in January. We would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation as our maintenance team continues to work diligently to clear snow that fell during Jonas, the blizzard of 2016. We’d also like to thank our maintenance team for its tireless efforts.
As the snow melts, please be mindful that some areas may re-freeze overnight. Please watch you step, and contact if you have any concerns. Thank you, and stay warm!
Save the Date
Our Spring Celebration is scheduled for March 26, and will feature candy and lots of fun for the children, including an egg hunt. The event will be held at the playground at noon.
Ideas for Weekend Outings
Looking for something to do? Here are our top picks for this month. Click the link for more information
Meetinghouse Reminders
Please be mindful to pick up after your animals, so we all enjoy a clean, surprise-free community.
Further, as of January 2016 we have become a smoke-free community, so no smoking please. Thank you for your cooperation.